When should an elderly person move into a nursing home?

The best thing for an elderly person is usually to be at home, independent, and healthy. People of all ages want their home, their people, their friends and loved ones, and their habits. Going shopping, drinking coffee at the square, cooking and eating, ideally in company, and generally having all the things we love and that make us happy.

However, life sometimes doesn't go as we wish. Sometimes our health requires medical supervision. Other times, we are left alone, without our loved ones around us.

There are some cases where a nursing home is the best and safest solution for an elderly person. So, when is it better for an elderly person to move into a nursing home?

When the elderly person has health problems that require constant medical supervision

There are many types of health problems: from simple hypertension to diabetes, heart problems, strokes, dementia, and much more. Some problems can be easily managed at home with the right medication. For example, an elderly person with hypertension takes their medication and keeps the situation under control. They do not require daily medical supervision and can easily improve their health with the right diet and exercise.

However, there are also many health problems that are difficult to manage at home. Dementia, for example, means that the person can no longer communicate properly with their surroundings. They get lost and have forgotten the people around them. This person requires constant help and support, otherwise their life is at risk.

More complex health problems, such as strokes, can lead to difficulties in movement or speech for elderly people. The affected person may require regular physiotherapy or other specialists, and it is not easy to stay alone at home. Even if they have a partner, it can be dangerous for an elderly person to lift and support another person.

In such cases, a nursing home is the most suitable place for an elderly person. A care facility has the medical staff to provide care for people around the clock.

When people have neurological health problems

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and other neurological disorders are progressive degenerative diseases that gradually reduce people's ability to care for themselves.

When an elderly person needs a catheter, infusions, or oxygen, such aids are difficult to provide at home. A nursing home is fully equipped to ensure proper and continuous medical supervision.

When elderly people live and move around in a wheelchair

Living in a wheelchair is difficult, especially in Greece. For an elderly person, it can lead to isolation, with all the associated consequences. There are issues that can make life so challenging that a nursing home might be more accessible and practical.

When an elderly person in a wheelchair lives alone, it can be difficult to shower, get into bed, cook, or take care of themselves. In many cases, the elderly person remains in bed, alone, because they are unable to move safely and care for themselves.

If this elderly person were transferred to a nursing home like The Seniors Plaza, they could move around in their wheelchair, participate in conversations, and lead an active life, rather than being trapped in bed.

When the home is not safe

As we age, we have more specific needs. We require homes with wide hallways, plenty of light, no stairs, and with aids in the bathroom (ramps, grab bars) and other areas. But what happens if the house is old or has floors without an elevator? Unless there is the option to sell the house and move to a more practical apartment, many elderly people prefer the safety of a nursing home, where everything is accessible and secure.

When they are alone

Many times we underestimate how difficult loneliness is. The older a person gets, the more likely they are to be alone: a partner may pass away or children may live far away, which can easily lead to loneliness.

Such a person must actively try to meet with friends, neighbors, and relatives. Each additional loss diminishes the mental resilience for such efforts, until many elderly people often don't even try to find companionship.

It is better for an elderly person to move to a well-organized care facility like ‘The Seniors Plaza,’ where they will have company. Nursing homes organize activities that promote social interaction and communication. An elderly person will be in a large community of other people and have the companionship they so urgently need.

When people have simply grown older

People grow older. At some point, we simply can't manage things the way we used to. Shopping becomes difficult, we can no longer carry the bags from the market, cooking becomes less frequent, and bathing as well as personal care become more complicated.

Even if there is no specific health problem, we simply grow older. We desire simpler and more comfortable things. We want spaces that accommodate us and people who take care of our daily needs.

At a certain point, a nursing home could be the best solution for us.

The senior care facility The Seniors Plaza

The Seniors Plaza is fully equipped and has the appropriate medical staff for elderly people. We offer freshly prepared meals daily, entertainment, and caregiving support for all our residents.

Contact us at (800) 925-63-24 or visit us at our facility in Vathy, Samos, if you believe that you or a loved one would feel safer and happier in a nursing home. We look forward to showing you our facilities and discussing the best care for you!

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