Ο διαδικτυακός τόπος https://theseniorsplaza.de/ (εφεξής ο “Ιστότοπος” ή η “Ιστοσελίδα”) ανήκει και διαχειρίζεται από την επιχείρηση με την επωνυμία «ΜΟΝΑΔΑ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑΣ ΗΛΙΚΙΩΜΕΝΩΝ Χ. ΟΝΟΜΑΤΕΠΩΝΥΜΟ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΗΣ» (εφεξής «η Επιχείρησή μας», «εμείς», «δικό μας», ή «εμάς») με έδρα στην διεύθυνση Βαθύ – Σάμος – Τ.Κ. 83100, με Α.Φ.Μ. – ΔΟΥ, αρ. ΓΕΜΗ  και αρ. αδείας.

1. The Terms of Use constitute the basis and conditions under which we make the Website and our Services available to you. It is made clear that these Terms of Use are binding on all visitors to the Website to the fullest extent possible and to the extent that they are applicable. Where the term ‘use’ is mentioned, it includes in every case the simple visit and navigation of the Website.

2. This website was created to provide information and services to visitors. Its use is governed by these terms and conditions, which visitors are invited to read carefully and comply with. By staying on the pages of this website and using any information provided through these pages, visitors unconditionally accept these terms and conditions.

3. Minors are not allowed to visit the web pages of this website, since according to the law they are addressed exclusively to adults. If minors voluntarily visit websites or make use of services accessible through the pages of this website, which may be considered inappropriate or harmful to them, the administrators of this website shall not be held responsible.

4. These terms and conditions are likely to be modified in the future without notice. However, this page will always state the current terms and conditions for the use of this website.

5. The Company assumes no civil or criminal liability for the accuracy and truthfulness of statements or information, as well as for the suitability, safety, and quality of the services displayed on the website. The user/visitor/member who uses the services of the website bears exclusive responsibility for any losses or damages that may arise in relation to the lack of these conditions.

6. It is also not liable for any damage incurred by the user/member/visitor from ‘viruses’ due to their access to these websites, or from hacking activities on the website and the spread of viruses or other errors from any cause.

7. The user/visitor/member of the website is required to use the content and services in accordance with the law, good faith, decency, and these terms, and to refrain from actions or omissions that may harm or disrupt its operation or infringe upon the dignity, reputation, or ethics of other visitors to the website. The company assumes no liability in the event that any user/member/visitor engages in illegal or improper use of its services.

8. In the event of a power outage, suspension, or disruption of telecommunications, including but not limited to issues such as the malfunction of email services (delays or failure in sending/receiving emails), and in any situation where an accidental or scheduled event by the responsible organization disrupts or ceases the normal operation and use of the website, it is noted that the company bears no responsibility. It is mutually agreed by users/customers/visitors that the responsibility is limited to the respective service provider.

9. This website is used "as it is", without the possibility of modification or other interference by non-certified visitors.

10. Copying, using, reproducing, or commercially exploiting the content of the website is expressly prohibited, as it constitutes intellectual property of its creators, which is protected by relevant laws.

11. This website may refer through "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners to other websites, the providers of which have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their websites and services, excluding any liability of the owner of this website, such as, but not limited to, liability for intellectual and industrial property rights or any third party rights. Therefore, visitors are obliged to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to address directly to the providers of these websites for anything that may arise from visiting /or using them.

12. Except for specific rights of third parties (copyright and other rights), all content contained in this website (indicatively: trademarks, distinctive features, photographs, texts and all files in general) constitutes intellectual, commercial and industrial property of the owners and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law. This content may not be traded, copied, modified, modified, reproduced, retransmitted, or transmitted or distributed in any way by any user, in whole or in part.

13. No provision of this text may be interpreted as establishing any partnership, agency, brokerage, or commission relationship between the company and the users of the website. In other words, no provision may be interpreted as suggesting that clients, professionals, or other users of the website are considered to be employees or collaborators of the company.

14. Visitors accept, agree and acknowledge that they will make lawful and appropriate use of this website, being subject, among other things, to the legislation concerning the transmission of data from Greece to member states of the European Union and third countries. Therefore, visitors indicatively and not restrictively agree that they will not use this website for:
α) cause harm to a minor.
b) Transmit or access content that:
(i) infringes any third party rights (e.g. intellectual and industrial property rights);
(ii) offends the personality of third parties (e.g. defamatory, racist),
(iii) contravenes the law and good and fair practice,
(iv ) interferes in any way with the privacy and individual and social rights of third parties.
c) Mislead anyone as to the origin of the content of this website, damage, in any way, the reputation of the owners or third parties, compromise the security of their network, prevent any visitor from accessing this website or any service hosted on the owners' network or circumvent their authentication
d) Install and promote, in any way, any kind of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or unsolicited emails (spam), pyramid schemes and any other form of unsolicited content promotion, as well as install and promote advertisements without the written consent of the owners.
e) Install, promote and/or distribute content containing software viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment or prevent other visitors from using this website.

In any case of illegal or contrary to these Terms of use of this website, visitors are obliged to compensate the owners for any positive and consequential damage. The failure of the owners to exercise their rights under these Terms does not imply a waiver of these rights.

15. In order to access certain services or to link to certain websites, the owners may request visitors' details in order to assign a password (or passwords). The above information must always be true, accurate, valid and complete. Visitors are responsible for all operations carried out with the password and are obliged to immediately notify the Owner of any unauthorized use of it and of any (even possible) security breach. This information is not disclosed by the owners to third parties under any circumstances. The Owners are not liable for any damage or loss that may arise from the unauthorized or illegal use of the password by third parties, due to its leakage or for any other reason, and reserve the right to request the payment of compensation from the Visitor, in case they suffer any kind of damage from the unauthorized or illegal use of the password. The Owners are entitled at any time to refuse to issue a password or to cancel an assigned password or to terminate the provision of these services to the Visitor and to refuse any current or future use of this Website in case of violation of the Terms of Use.

16. The owners are not responsible, towards the users, for any possible leakage of their personal data due to their use, through the pages of this website, of products and services of third parties.

17. It is expressly agreed that any disputes arising from the application of these terms and the general use of the website by the visitor or user, if not resolved amicably, shall be governed by Greek law and fall under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Samos.

18. Otherwise, the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR-679/2016) and its related implementing legislation fully apply, which have been fully adhered to for the operation of the website and ensuring the protection of personal data. Please read the full text of the Privacy Policy here.

19. The owners may use session cookies to identify the visitor. Session cookies are small pieces of code stored in the visitor’s computer memory, do not access any documents or files from the visitor’s computer, and are used solely to facilitate the visitor's access to specific services and (occasionally) for statistical purposes, to determine which areas of the website's services are useful or popular, or for marketing reasons. The visitor can configure their browser to not accept session cookies, either entirely or on a case-by-case basis. In such cases, the visitor will not be able to access these services further.

20. The above terms and conditions of use of the website, as well as any amendments or changes to them, are governed by national law, EU law, and relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms found to be contrary to the aforementioned legal framework or that becomes invalid will automatically cease to be effective and will be removed from this agreement, without affecting the validity of the remaining terms. This document constitutes the entire agreement between the Company, which manages the present website, and the visitor/user of its pages and services, and binds only the parties involved. No modification of these terms will be considered or form part of this agreement unless it is made in writing and incorporated into it.

21. These Terms and Conditions of Use and any amendments thereof are governed by Greek law.

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